James B. Reston*

Class of 1972

  • Vice President The New York Times

The old virtues will never be out of date. They will succeed in any world.

James Reston was born in 1909 in Clydebank, Scotland, and immigrated with his parents to the United States in 1920. He graduated from the University of Illinois in 1932 and joined the Associated Press in 1934. He moved to the London bureau of the New York Times in 1939, returning to New York in 1940. He established the U.S. Office of War Information in London during World War II.

After the war, Reston rejoined the Times as a national correspondent. In 1948, he was appointed diplomatic correspondent, followed by bureau chief and columnist in 1953. He served as associate editor, executive editor, and then vice president. He retired in 1989. Reston twice won the Pulitzer Prize: in 1945 and 1957.