Emmett J. Culligan*

Class of 1969

  • Founder Culligan, Inc.

Don't be daunted by your failures.

Born in Yankton, South Dakota, in 1893, Emmett Culligan attended two years of college and then served in World War I. In the 1920s, he worked for a water treatment firm.

After moving to Porter, Minnesota, Culligan began working on his own water softening invention. He perforated the bottom of a coffee can and then filled it with green sand. He used this "softened" water to wash his baby's diapers and was pleased with the results. He took his invention to a local blacksmith who manufactured his invention. Culligan offered the man a partnership, but the blacksmith turned him down.

Culligan went on to develop a water softening business in the middle of the Great Depression. Eventually, he conceived of selling his soft water service through franchised dealers rather than by selling water softening devices directly to homeowners. His ad phrase, "Hey Culligan Man!" became well known throughout the country.