Armando Conti*
Class of 1956
- President Trenton Beverage Co.

I feel it is important to do all we can to help youth.
At the age of 16, Armando Conti left his native town of San Giacomo, Italy, and immigrated to the United States. He was sent to West Virginia, where he worked in a coal mine while studying English at night. Seven years later, Conti relocated to Trenton, New Jersey, where he worked for an automobile dealership.
Later on, Conti opened his own agency, which he eventually sold. He joined the newly organized Trenton Beverage Company as a sales executive. Within three years, he became its president. During World War II and under Conti's able direction, the company sold more than $5 million in government bonds and was the first business to send a private ambulance overseas. He later founded Armcon Corp., a real estate firm, and Seaboard Excavators Corp.