Graduate Scholarships
Graduate scholarships are currently available for Horatio Alger Scholars only. Please log into your Scholar account to obtain more information and submit an application.

Dennis Washington Leadership Graduate Scholarship
The Dennis Washington Leadership Graduate Scholarship is a prestigious and highly competitive award for outstanding graduate students pursuing advanced education and research. Established and endowed by 1995 Horatio Alger Member and Chairman Emeritus Dennis R. Washington and his Life Partner Phyllis, the scholarship empowers exceptional individuals with leadership potential to become change agents, and make a significant impact in their respective fields.
Graduate Achievement Scholarship
The Graduate Achievement Scholarship was created to further support and recognize Horatio Alger Scholars who have shown remarkable tenacity in their undergraduate studies and are aspire to pursue advanced academic degrees. This endowed scholarship program signifies the Horatio Alger Association’s continuous commitment to investment in the academic journey of our Scholars, extending beyond undergraduate education.

Established through a generous endowment from 2006 Horatio Alger Member David E. Ritchie, this grant is awarded to one Horatio Alger Scholar per year who is interested in pursuing a Master of Global Business at the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business of University of Victoria, in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Taught across four continents and culminating in a global internship, the Master of Global Business is a 12-16 month intensive immersion program for recent graduates from diverse backgrounds.